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The Bad Side Of Weight Loss

The Bad Side Of Weight Loss

Weight loss is a pretty big goal for a lot of people, and through hard work a lot of them achieve it through dedication, perseverance and much more. However did you know there is a bad side of weight loss when you actually achieve it? Not many people know of it or discuss it, because we tend to focus on the positives of most things and quite frankly I believe that everyone should know the positive and the negative side of pretty much the things they get into. So when you are getting into hardcore fitness, it is always good to know the bad side of weight loss as well, so at the very least you are prepared.

Toxins in the blood – When you lose weight, the fat cells have to release the bad pollutants somewhere and it is usually released into the bloodstream. As a part of the bad side of weight loss, this can explain why some people tend to get a little sickly when they lose weight. In order to avoid this side effect, make sure that you are eating properly and healthy while you undergo your fitness change. This will assist you with the proper nutrients to combat the toxins that the fat cells release.

Hunger pangs – This is a very interesting effect on the bad side of weight loss. As you are losing weight and getting into fitness, your body goes into emergency mode, realizing that the fats it stored are disappearing, so it panics and releases hormones that make you want to eat more in order to combat the weight loss. This makes it really difficult to lose weight actually but you must admit, it shows wonders as to how the body works. Again in order to counter this bad side of weight loss, a proper diet is called upon and you should avoid those crash diets that really wreak havoc on your system. Slow and steady is the way to go.

hunger pangs

Proper control and management of your eating habits help in battling hunger pangs during your weight loss journey.

Poor nutrition – Again another bad side of weight loss is brought about an imbalanced diet. As crash diet goes, they usually focus on certain food groups and sometimes completely eliminate others, while this can be effective in short term and really show results, they tend to be superficial and really does a negative number on your body as well. The target of getting into proper fitness is balance, you cannot expect to eliminate a food group from your body and not start to notice the imbalance, it really will come back to bite you in the slightly more fit tushy you have now, so don’t do it.

Risk of diabetes – This is another bad side of weight loss that isn’t well known. For those who lose weight too quickly, the stress can cause an imbalance in insulin levels and can drive the body towards diabetes if not managed properly. And once more in order to avoid this, you must be focused on fitness and gradually losing weight, while maintaining a proper diet and once again not a crash diet. Are we beginning to see a pattern here?

Hormonal imbalances – The sudden loss of protein or other nutrients due to crash diets can really stress the body out, so it releases hormones to try and fix it, this can cause quite a bit of hormonal imbalance in most people. As an effect of bade side of weight loss, you can avoid it by once again planning out a proper diet and a good fitness plan. This will help you train your body to realize that it is slowly getting healthier and not diving into it with a crash diet all of a sudden. This imbalance can also effect males via hair loss, which is not connected to male patter baldness, so if you are rather attached to your natural hair, well think well how you are going to proceed with your weight loss.

Chaotic metabolic rate – Of course weight loss is tied quite closely to both your fitness and metabolic rate, however with the sudden change of food intake, your metabolic rate can suddenly go into defense mode and slow down. This is part of the bad side of weight loss and again another funny quirk of the body. By going to the gym gradually and slowly fixing your diet, you can help your metabolic rate catch up with the rest of your body. So allow it to understand your plans for your body, otherwise you can get some unexpected fatigue, dizziness and much more if you keep at it with a sudden crash diet or other items.

Potential gout – This bad side of weight loss is brought to you by low carb crash diets, the ones that you shouldn’t really follow. The low carb could trigger a bout with gout, and from what I hear it is quite painful and restricts a lot of pretty good foods. So once more all it takes is proper fitness management and a good planned diet in order to avoid it and you should be fine. Who needs gout when you are trying to get healthy? I sure as heck don’t and I’m pretty sure you don’t either.

crash diet

Crash diets aren’t really necessary. Instead, cleansing and healthy eating habits should be taken hand in hand with proper workout routines.

Gallstones – Another potential bad side of weight loss considering that the liver can have a hard time processing the increase of bile, which leads to gallstones. The sudden weight loss of crash diets or improper fitness plans can lead to gallstones which once more I heard was quite uncomfortable, happily I have yet to experience it and would rather just keep it to second hand information, as I am sure you would too. So to avoid this bad side of weight loss, keep going through a proper diet and don’t dive into it and you should be fine.

Gaining more weight back – This is a tricky bad side of weight loss, but it really is quite easy to avoid if you think about it. When you finish the diet and your fitness plans, people tend to relax and go back to their own lives, this is when weight gain suddenly comes crashing through and you can go back to your old weight and gain even more if you do this. The trick is to realize you are not doing exercise to lose weight or going on a diet for the mean time, this is a lifestyle choice and that doesn’t end when you reach your goal, it needs to keep going. This is one of the reasons why crash diets don’t work and leads to a lot of health problems as you can see. True you can have a cheat day here and again but realize that this is not something for while but an active choice to keep.

There you have it, quite a few items on the bad side of weight loss and some tips to avoid them altogether. Remember that fitness isn’t a sudden thing nor a momentary thing, it is an active lifestyle choice that you need to keep doing and to keep doing properly. With a proper diet and a good workout plan, you will be fine, don’t rush weight loss, as you can really hurt yourself, take the time and enjoy the journey. Stay healthy!