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6-Minute Morning Workout Before Shower

6-Minute Morning Workout Before Shower

Personally, a great morning is one that I can take my time to do some morning stretches,  get a workout in and then have breakfast and shower. Doesn’t that sound like a perfect start to the day? However not all of my mornings can cater to this ideal morning routine, sometimes I only have time for a cup of tea, a quick bite, then shower. I also know that this is true for a lot of people, but is that really all there is to it? I opted to research if there was anything I could improve in such a short span of time available to me and I stumbled upon a quick, 6-minute morning workout before showering. I believe most people can spare 6 minutes before showering, it isn’t much but it really can make a world of difference. Give this a try and get a quick morning booster before the day starts. Trust me, try this and you’ll love how much better the mornings can get.

The idea for this workout is to do it like a circuit, in short don’t rest in between the exercises to really get a good sweat going. Don’t worry, this morning workout before showering is not impossibly difficult and will be a great morning booster for you and the rest of your day.

Squats – Start off with 15 squats. Anyone who has gone through gym has probably done quite a few squats in their lives but for those who haven’t it’s fairly easy. Stand straight for this morning workout before showering, keep your sides to the side and your feet shoulder width apart. Now slowly bend your knees down, try to keep your knees in line with your feet and as you lower your body, lift both hands straight forward, hold for a second and then go back to starting position. Repeat for 15 reps for this morning booster.

A quick round of push-ups to get your sweat on.

A quick round of push-ups to get your sweat on.

Push-ups – Next up is 15 push-ups, again get a mat or do it on the floor, whichever you are more comfortable with. Lie facing down for this morning workout before showering and put both hands in front of your chest, roughly by your shoulders as well, keep both your feet pointed so your legs are not touching the floor. Now use your arms to push yourself off the floor, hold for a breath and return to starting position. Again repeat the morning booster for a total of 15 reps.

Plank – after the push-ups, let’s go with a 30 second plank. Stay in the same position as the push-up however instead of your hands in front of your chest, use your forearms in the same position. Notice how you are a few inches off the floor for this morning workout before showering, and that’s pretty much it. Keep this position for about 30 seconds and you will feel the morning booster do its thing to get you a good sweat.

Follow-up with a planking routine.

Follow-up with a planking routine.

Twist – to top off this morning workout routine, lie on the floor this time with your back to it. Keep both hands behind your head and your feet straight. Now twist your entire upper body to the left, you’ll use your right elbow to help lift your head, at the same time lift your right leg to stay off the ground and the your knee should come up to meet your right elbow, this should be somewhere near your chest. Now do the other side, this counts as one rep. Do 15 reps of this morning booster and you will really feel the difference in a few short strokes.

That’s pretty much it for this circuit morning workout before showering, it’s simple and will only take about 6 minutes or so for one whole round or circuit. The trick is to really get into the rhythm and to make sure that you make it part of your daily routine. Ideally of course you get in a full workout during the day but if that is impossible, at the very least start off with this morning workout before showering and it should really give you a great morning booster for the rest of the day.

There are other workouts out there that seem to have a very similar idea in mind that it only lasts for a few minutes in the morning. I would suggest to test which one best fits you and your needs, keep at it and make sure to pair it off with a good diet, you really will see that a morning workout will make quite a difference for you. Stay healthy!