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Great Tips For New Runners

Great tips for new runners

Running is such a freeing workout, it really gives you time to meditate and enjoy as you workout. If you are looking into how to start running, then let me tell you, you’ve come to the right place. I am an avid fan of running and have been doing so for quite a few years now, while I am no certified runner I have some wonderful tips ready for those of you who want to learn how to start running.

Get proper equipment – When you’re beginning by researching how to start running, if you don’t find the tip of getting the right stuff on that list, you know something is up. There isn’t much you need for running but a good pair of shoes. Make sure not to skimp out on this and get a strong, comfortable and importantly sturdy pair. They will be your best friend on the road quite literally and they will help support you throughout the workout, so get a good pair before you get into running.

Start it off by walking – If you’ve been away from exercise for quite a while or maybe you’ve been injured recently, don’t start off running. Warm your body up for the long run by walking a bit around the block and what not, get used to getting into the exercise groove before you really get into how to start running. The walking workout will be good for you and it’s really a lovely way to break in new running shoes, plus you’ll be able to create a route or two that you would enjoy as you go about running, at least when you eventually start.

join groups to start running

Joining groups when you start running is enjoyable and can actually give motivation.Also, make new friends!

Take it slow – This is all new to you, if you haven’t been exercising and you are only learning how to start running, don’t suddenly go on a 50-mile run on your first day. It’s a process and it takes time for your body to get used to the workout, so maybe run around the block until you’re tired and then the next day, run an additional block. Know your limits and be realistic, the road isn’t going anywhere and you have all the time in the world to enjoy the run, so do just that and take the time to relax a little as you exercise and learn how to start running.

Look for a running group – By now wherever you are, either at work, school or even in your neighborhood, there are avid runners who are looking for more to join the group. They know the best routes, have some great tips as well on how to start running and they would love to teach you the ins and outs. Plus having a group to run with makes it a little easier to pass the time when you’re having fun with other people. You could end up making some really cool friends in this new workout of yours, so it’s a win-win situation.

Balance the meal – A lot of people start running in order to lose weight and I’ll tell you the results will show, it will take some time and it’s definitely not an overnight weight loss miracle but trust me it will show. Given that people tend to pair the running with an intense diet and forget that they need “fuel” while running and this is why a lot get tired much more quickly. It is important to balance your nutrition when you are running, especially at the start of the workout. This is all new to you and as you are still learning how to start running, the body is adjusting, don’t take away the “fuel” by denying the body proper nutrition otherwise you could injure yourself.

Make sure to be hydrated – Dehydration is no joke and can really injure whoever experiences it and as you workout you tend to lose a lot of electrolytes as you sweat, make sure you stay hydrated to avoid this. Among the things you really should learn about with regards to how to start running, staying hydrated is important and should stay near the top of your list. Tip: Lemon water is a great source of electrolytes.

Make sure to get enough rest – Nothing wreaks havoc more on a body than lack of rest, so make sure that it is definitely in your plans to get a full night’s rest otherwise you could hurt yourself. When you are learning how to start running, you will be doing a lot of trial and errors, but you shouldn’t do so without proper sleep. When you lack sleep your motor skills tend to be slower than usual and that is dangerous when you are running especially if your workout is predominantly on the street. Don’t take the risk and make sure you get a whole night’s worth of sleep.

Set targets and goals – When you are learning how to start running, it will be a contest of endurance and your will power. Give yourself a boost by placing some achievable goals on each run, keep it simple and challenging yet still very reachable otherwise you will just stress yourself out. Keep it as simple as: “Today, I will reach that lamppost at the end of 7th street,” or something like that. If you need mini rewards for that achievement I advise to go for it, but keep it real, don’t go overboard with the rewards either. Maybe something like if you have achieved your goal, you can go to your favorite yogurt shop at the end of the week and have a cup of nice treat. Don’t go nuts and buy yourself a full sized pizza though, you won’t be making much progress otherwise when you’re just beginning.

hydrate when you start running

Remember to keep yourself hydrated when you start running.

Mix your routine – A few people find running a little monotonous, I can understand why but I suggest to keep changing your view. Maybe update your route from time to time as you start, keep the background fresh and allow yourself some adventure time as you run around. How to start running tips are all good and useful but if you get bored of running it may all come to a screeching halt, so take the time to enjoy as you begin, it will only get better the further along you run.

Now that you’ve heard quite a few tips on how to start running, pretty much all that’s left is for you to warm up to it and start figuring out when to run on your busy schedule. This workout is one of the best simple routines I’ve ever had the joy of experiencing and if you follow the tips above on how to start running, you will start to really get into this routine soon too. Enjoy the road my friends, it will enjoy your company for sure. Stay healthy!