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Keeping The Colon Clean

keeping the colon clean

Don’t roll your eyes, a healthy colon is a happy colon and a happy colon is a happy body and of course that means a happy you. A lot of people don’t realize that the colon is a very important part of the body that needs attention and quite frankly you should be doing a lot of hard work so that you can continue keeping your colon clean. Keeping your colon clean is a very important part of our health and is an ideal way to stay healthy, so make sure you take the steps to having a strong and healthy colon. I am happy to share some simple tips to really get you going down the road of keeping your colon clean.

Consume a lot of fiber – Fiber really helps in keeping your colon clean and can really help the body process and move the waste along. A lot of the healthier foods such as oats, beans, broccoli, celery and so much more have a large amount of fiber in them. Remember when your mom told you to eat your vegetables? Well this is perhaps one of those reasons, to get as much fiber as possible to make sure you have a healthy and strong colon. So if you want your health to stay intact, which I’m sure you do, start getting that fiber into your system.

Vitamin D it up!Keeping your colon clean also entails keeping it healthy, which means you need proper nutrients and quite frankly, vitamin D is what you need. This vitamin is essential for the body and it helps prevent colon cancer while also keeping its health up. You can get vitamin D from the sun, yes just by a little bit of sun exposure you can get that essential nutrient but if not you can also get it from fish, bread and other options.

You can never go wrong with food rich in fiber. It helps a lot in providing good digestion!

You can never go wrong with food rich in fiber. It helps a lot in providing good digestion!

Eat healthier – The topics above should have determined it for you already but just in case you aren’t 100% sure, yes it is ideal to eat healthier if you want to play a strong role in keeping your colon clean, aside from staying in top health of course. Processed foods, alcohol, food additives and so much more can really irritate the colon among other body parts and quite frankly you don’t need that type of aggravation in your life. Start by removing these from your daily meals and in general, you will really feel the difference from how you used to eat. Start getting better nutrients with fresh and organic meals as well, and you will make leaps in better health than before. It’s a very noticeable difference and you’ll be able to tell as soon as you start.

When you gotta go, you gotta go – When the urge strikes you, let it go. Go in the bathroom, of course you silly. Holding in your feces is a definite no-no when you want to ride the train of keeping your colon clean, and again if you’re reading this you do. Holding in the urge allows the feces to rather, I suppose a strong word would be fester, but an apt one nonetheless, and while it sits in your healthy colon, it releases toxins that nobody wants in their system. So when your body tells you to go, you best get going.

Don’t force to go however – I’ll be honest, this is something that doesn’t have a lot of information but generally forcing anything or anyone to do something isn’t exactly the ideal approach and the same can be said about your bowel movements. Make sure that each time you sit on the porcelain throne, you don’t have to force your bowels to do their job. As mentioned above allow it to be natural as much as possible, this is a key factor in really keeping your colon clean as well as keeping it in the best health as possible. Besides I’ve heard stories of people developing injuries from overly trying to use the toilet and quite frankly I’m just not up to sharing that for today.

Drink your water – The body uses a lot of water, thus the ideal 8 glasses a day to keep your body at tiptop health. Additionally however, keeping your colon clean also requires a lot of water and the more you have the better for the colon. The colon needs to use a lot of water to process the waste. More water also means the rest of your body is able to work well with your colon to process the waste and other nutrients.

Get your exercise in – Exercise is very important in keeping your colon clean as it is with pretty much everything else. How does it play a part in keeping your colon clean you may ask? Simple answer: circulation. Through exercise, your entire body including your colon gets more oxygen. More oxygen means better circulation, better circulation means better management and movement and finally that leads to a ton of healthy body parts including the important colon of course. So make sure you also get a lot of exercise in order to really keep yourself in top health and as always do your part in keeping your colon clean, among improving the functions and workflow of the entire body.

Keep yourself hydrated all the time. It helps in keeping the colon clean.

Keep yourself hydrated all the time. It helps in keeping the colon clean.

When in doubt reach out to an expert – While a colonoscopy is not fun nor is it always necessary, there are times when you should revert to a doctor already. He or she can tell you what is going on with your colon or with your overall health. Do not be afraid of the doctor, they are there to help not only in the fight in keeping your colon clean, but in your overall health. Take the time to meet with them for a regular check up to really know how well you are doing considering you are doing a lot of the tips on this list or maybe following my other tips in various articles.

And that is some pretty solid advice on how to continue keeping your colon clean. Holding it in is perhaps one of the biggest advices I can really give you and quite frankly you know why, aside from the fact that it is really bad for your health, it can wreak havoc on your colon as well as the rest of your body. Take the tips above into account and make sure to handle keeping your colon clean as one of your top priorities. It is not a laughing matter and anyone who says otherwise could indeed take some time to really grow up. Again a healthy colon, is a happy colon and a happy colon is a happy you, take the time and make sure you do what you have to do. Stay healthy!