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How To Quit Smoking

How To Quit Smoking

Smoking, perhaps one of the world’s most addictive habit that is still not classified under drugs or other paraphernalia. The dependence on a cigarette by most people is quite staggering, and I know so many people who turn to smoking for a lot of reasons. Even with the negative sides of smoking already glaringly apparent to everyone, the habit persists due to the addictiveness and the dependency that they have developed with the habit. However most smokers will usually be looking for a sure fire way to quit smoking and get back in shape, ask most of them and they will tell you this. To be able to quit smoking completely remains to be a challenge for a lot of people, and perhaps there isn’t a sure 100% way just yet, but at the very least let me share with you some ideas on how to quit smoking and get back in shape.

  1. Find out the triggers – Most smokers usually light a cigarette after something happens or is caused by a reaction, perhaps after a meal or because they are stressed at work. In any case, if you are trying to quit smoking, find out what causes you to smoke and try to avoid it if not adjust your outlook. I know that a popular smoking time is after meals, obviously you can’t avoid that, you want to get back in shape, not starve yourself to avoid smoking, so instead of smoking a cigarette, maybe drink a cup of tea instead, form another habit at the events you can’t avoid when you are trying to quit smoking.
  2. Keep a journal – Having difficulties tracking the triggers? Keep a journal and jot down your thoughts when you want to light a cigarette. In fact go as far as rating the intensity of the craving, in that light you can really find out what makes you smoke the most or the reason that really makes it difficult to quit smoking and get back in shape. Keeping a journal can really shed some light on a lot of things, and it shouldn’t be any different for smoking either, give it a shot and you’ll bring to light a lot of things and be one step closer to being able to say that you quit smoking.
  3. Set a target date to quit – Going cold turkey is difficult, so I’ve heard and there are a lot of studies saying that people who quit smoking this way tend to relapse or cheat their path of non-smoking. Have a date up where you can really focus on it, this will help you get your choices together and help you push yourself to get back in shape or to quit smoking. Nothing really gets real for a lot of people until you place a deadline and by doing this you can really pressure yourself to go for it.
  4. Tell a friend or family member – Another tip to really help people quit smoking, tell someone. It is the same idea as the little trick above, this will allow that person to help you, ideally it is someone who has been badgering you to get back in shape or to really quit smoking, for sure there is one or two people you find it difficult to say no to, now is the time to have them really help you. Everyone needs help for a lot of things and when you are trying to quit smoking, one of the unhealthiest habits that you may have formed over the years, you’ll need as much support as you can muster. Of course this support would ideally push you all the way to get back in shape as well, but let’s work on one thing at a time to be safe.
  5. Start reducing usage – When you start, assuming you have that journal as suggested to help you quit smoking, you’ll be able to count the cigarettes you smoke each day. Now start reducing the numbers gradually. Build up to quit smoking by reducing a cigarette maybe each day or more if you can, this will really help you in the long run and maybe can help you to get back in shape as well by filling in the time with a small exercise or two.
  6. Remove your cigarette stock – The one good thing about smoking, if there ever was actually, is that this is a habit you can only do when you have the paraphernalia itself. So if you want to quit smoking, it will really help if there aren’t any readily available cigarettes that you can light up, sitting within reach. The idea is the same as clearing out your pantry when you are trying to get back in shape and want to go on a diet. To quit smoking clear out your pockets, closets, purses or whatever of cigarettes and if you are lucky it is a drive and a lot of trouble to the nearest convenience store for a pack, this will dissuade you unless you really give into the cravings.
  7. Replace the urge – Again smoking is a habit, a very bad habit but still a habit, have I mentioned how much I am against smoking yet? Anyhow if that is the case, pick up a new hobby or two to help you quit smoking and get back in shape, if you’re lucky and if you push yourself hard enough, I would suggest the habit have something to do with exercise. Running, for example. This will really take up more of your time and when you start noticing how much easier it is to run after awhile since your last cigarette, you’ll start wondering why you haven’t quit smoking before.
  8. Cold turkey – Although I still question the effectiveness of this, I cannot ignore the fact that a lot of people turn to this in order to quit smoking. The opinion is split and again when you quit smoking, I really suggest to take the time to build up to it as it is once again a habit that you formed over the years and should be dealt with as such, however if cold turkey works for some people when they quit smoking, heck go for it. Now if only people can go cold turkey on meat when they get back in shape, the world would be a different place altogether.
  9. Ask a doctor – When in doubt, ask for help from an expert. If you have a regular check up, this person has been shaking his or her finger at you for how many years to quit smoking and to get back in shape, it is time to recruit them into the endeavor.
How To Quit Smoking

The change you want starts with you.

As you can see there are a lot of tips to help people quit smoking and get back in shape, but in the end it all drives back to one person: YOU. This is a nasty habit you picked up over the years and only one person can really help you quit smoking, the person staring back in the mirror. This will be one of the toughest battles you have ever done in your life, prepare yourself and do it properly and you can win it, charge! Stay healthy!