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How To Eat Healthy Without Starving

How To Eat Healthy Without Starving

Diets can be grueling and clean eating tough for some, easy for others. But when you are just starting a new diet, even the vegan lifestyle, perhaps you may be wondering how to eat healthy without starving. Well alright starving is an extreme result but you get what I mean, whenever you are used to eating up on meat or carbs or sugars, and then you decide it’s time to clean up, after clean eating meals you feel as though you are still hungry and you really think that it is impossible to eat healthy without starving, but worry not my soon to be healthier friends, let me give you some tips to stave off that hungry monster.

Calorie count – I realize this is difficult and is a challenge for a number of people, I’m not afraid to say that I am still in the middle of learning the intricacies of calorie counting but if you really want to lose weight, this is a tried and tested way. When you start clean eating it would be ideal to really go for the calorie counters, I hear there are some apps for it in fact, but to eat healthy without starving this should definitely be a consideration. Don’t think everyone is free from this tip, even people who are on the vegan lifestyle sometimes count calories as well, but of course anyone who wants to lose weight will definitely look into this tip.

vegan apps are a hit

Thanks to our booming technology, researching about food and the vegan lifestyle is now a breeze!

Eat filling foods – In every meal it is ideal to always include protein, healthy fats, and fiber in order to eat healthy without starving. Hunger pang comes and goes, but when you have any of the three items mentioned, you will be less hungry or at the very least you will have the feeling of being full. As a new diet comes rolling around, it is true you have to give up or cut back on what you used to eat in abundance and because of that it feels as though you are getting hungry easier or you will be looking for something to snack on later. The three nutrients mentioned earlier is key to eat healthy without starving, they will keep you full longer and help you avoid snacking on unhealthy items as well.

Vegetables are your friends – I don’t think I need to mention this to people who have experienced the vegan diet already but just in case you didn’t know, if you want to eat healthy without starving, vegetables will go a long way for you. These wonderful little gifts of nature can really be paired off with almost anything, it can be made into any part of a meal, from a side to the entrée itself, vegetables should take at least 50% of your plate during lunch and dinner, maybe some space in your breakfast and snacks, but hey it’s all up to you how you want to go about clean eating. Control the starchy vegetables and you should lose quite a bit of weight while you are able to eat healthy without starving.

Avoid processed foods – I know they are easy and oh so convenient, but if you plan to go clean eating or lose weight, avoid them like the plague. These processed foods will have hidden calories here and there, plus it is difficult to count your calories when you aren’t 100% sure what is inside, don’t let yourself go through that headache and go with fresh food instead. Sure it takes more time and is sometimes a pain to always have to do, but the taste is miles better, it is healthier for you and you are in total control, which makes it much more possible to eat healthy without starving. For vegan dieters, going fresh is fairly imperative and avoiding processed foods are just smart for both your health and your belly.

Sugar is alright IF controlled – While there are a lot of natural sugars in food, if you control your intake it is alright to enjoy the occasional sweet treat here and there even when you are clean eating. In fact, I highly suggest that you do enjoy a treat every so often but make sure it is not processed, the calories are not insanely high and you don’t overdo the sugar intake, in this way not only will you be able to eat healthy without starving but you don’t binge eat since you allow a treat every so often. It is all about control, regardless if you have a regular diet or if you are a vegetarian or vegan, it doesn’t matter, if you are able to choose and decide your intake you will still lose weight.

Whole grain – Not all grains were made equal and whole grain pretty much stands atop the hill. When you do decide to get some grains in your meal go for whole grain, this will make it healthier for you and still filling, plus the body benefits from the nutrients derived from whole grain. As you continue to learn how to eat healthy without starving, meals with whole grain incorporated into your plans will help you stay full and the added bonus is that it is part of the clean eating habit and the vegan diet as well. So if you need something a little more filling in the diet as you go learn how to eat healthy without starving, make sure if you will consume a grain make it whole wheat, you won’t be sorry. Just make sure it fits in with the calorie count too.

Allow yourself a treat – Like I mentioned earlier, I think it is healthy for both your body and mind that you go for a treat every so often. In fact it can be a daily thing even while learning how to eat healthy without starving as long as, repeat it with me: you learn how to control. Keep the snack as close to clean eating as possible, while making sure that the calories fall into place as well, not to mention watch out for the sugar. Ok wait, that seemed like a lot to take in, I understand but if you want to lose weight and learn to eat healthy without starving you’ll really take what I said into consideration. A treat is a good idea once in awhile otherwise you’ll end up craving and eventually binge eating when you are at your weakest, and that’ll either destroy your diet or clean eating plans, in the worst case scenario is it’ll completely end your vegan plans and that just sucks.

And that pretty much wraps up the how to eat healthy without starving yourself, there are quite a few tips here but I highly suggest using them altogether for maximum effect. Enjoy your new healthy habit and get that ideal health goal. Stay healthy!