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10 Beginner’s Fitness Mistakes

10 Beginner’s Fitness Mistakes

Let me start off by saying it’s great that you are getting into fitness and you are beginning your own road of getting to a better you, we should applaud that and celebrate your new found need to get into shape. However as someone who hasn’t been working out or is perhaps completely new to the health scene, there are what you can call fitness mistakes that you may not even know you are doing during your workout routine. Don’t be ashamed of thes mistakes, it shows that you are trying and these errors can be small, but let me give you the top 10 fitness mistakes that beginners usually make so that you can avoid it, correct it and know of it.

1.Always going for more – When you hit the gym a lot of the times people want to do more, more, more! More reps, more weight, more cardio and so forth, but this is one of the most dangerous fitness mistakes you can make as a beginner. While true more is usually better, this is not the case for beginners. You need to know your limits and when to say enough is enough, otherwise you could injure yourself during a workout routine. Find an expert or an instructor to help you out at the start and build from there, there’s no shame in getting help.

Don't Quit

Don’t give up easily. Don’t give up at all!

2.Giving up before you feel the change – Everyone wants immediate results and when you start going to the gym for the first time, this notion is not exempted from that idea. I know that sometimes it can be frustrating to not see some immediate results from a rigorous workout routine, true but you can’t go giving up just because it hasn’t shown any change in your body just yet. Give it time, and maybe tweak your workout routine a bit. Don’t make this as your last of many fitness mistakes, it can end a fitness streak just like that trust me, I’ve seen it happen so many times.

3.Weight, weight, weight – While a lot of people start working out to lose weight and get into better shape, do not obsess over your weight too much, this is one of the most well known fitness mistakes out there. Your weight will vary considering fat weighs less than muscle, your weight can decrease and then get heavier, that is because your fats could be turning into muscles. This dissuades some people and this kills their workout routine, best to be safe and beat this mistake before it starts.

4.Weights on that barbell – There are people who are deadest on carrying something too heavy and this is one of the major fitness mistakes for beginners. You can really hurt yourself during your workout routine if you overdo it from the get-go and nobody wants that.

5.Immediate diet changeDo not just suddenly dive into a new fad diet you heard about, test the waters, do it gradually in fact and slowly dip your feet into the diet pool, don’t go diving in head first.

6.How do you use this? – Beginners are afraid to be made out as beginners, as fitness mistakes goes it is a little silly actually as there are a lot of nice people out there and when you see someone using a machine wrong, it kind of gives it away. Feel free to ask an expert perhaps the local instructor for some pointers or such during your workout routine, I am sure she or he would be happy to impart some knowledge. You don’t want some fitness mistake to end up hurting you in the long run would you?

7.Going too advanced – There are a ton of awesome routines out there that can really work for you, however that is in the near future. You can’t exactly wake up and say: “gosh I feel like running a full marathon today.” Nope, it does not work that way and the same goes with your workout routine. You can’t expect yourself to be able to suddenly follow advanced routines without going through the basics first, as fitness mistakes goes, this is pretty easy to know but hard to follow. A lot of beginners come in and want to just jump the gun, work for it and eventually get to harder routines, but don’t just assume you can start off with it just like that.

8.Keeping your eyes on the end goal – While beginners love to target their total weight loss or complete body overhaul, it is one of the known fitness mistakes to only focus on that said goal. Make reachable small goals each month, week or even every day, it will really allow you to feel as though you achieved something and will keep motivating you to keep at your workout routine. I understand that you want to reach your end goal but if you only focus on that, you lose sight of the road and can eventually find yourself astray, don’t make that mistake.

personal trainer

Seek help from a personal trainer. They will add so much to your knowledge and help you keep and stay on track.

9.Forgetting to track your data – There is some satisfaction to monitoring your own progress through notes. Cold hard facts do not lie and among the fitness mistakes that beginners make, this could be the most often made. When you begin working out, it feels as though things are going a little slow, especially since you haven’t gotten the groove on your workout routine just yet. However if you start writing down your notes and the information of your reps, weight and so forth, you will see that each day you are improving ever so slowly, but as they say every step forward will help complete a mile, so keep going.

10Training until you pass out – This is rare even among fitness mistakes or is it? Some beginners get everything down and do reps or sets until they cannot lift it another inch, but this is definitely one of the much less known fitness mistakes. You shouldn’t workout when you can barely move, that means you overdid it. You need to do an acceptable amount of reps and sets then let your body rest properly. You need to know your limits and when to push, but don’t go overboard otherwise you could be prone to injuries during your workout routine, and if that happens, well it makes it all the more difficult to get back on the horse after you just got on it after all.

Keep these fitness mistakes in mind next time you hit the gym or plan to go on a workout spree, since you are only beginning or just starting all over again, you don’t want to knock yourself down. It’s awesome that you want to improve yourself and get healthier, that is a step in the right direction, but don’t overdo it and go at it alone, research, ask, be curious, prepare yourself for what you can really do when you put your mind to it and go on that perfect workout routine made especially for you. Stay healthy!