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Top 10 Must-Have Fitness Apps

The world just keeps getting more and more amazing. Just a few posts before this, I shared my list of top 10 must-have vegan apps and now I thought to myself: if there are apps for that, what other apps are out there to help us? And lo and behold, it was so easy to find several fitness apps that should pretty much fit the bill. A fitness app is an app that will somehow help or push you along the lines of fitness and reach your goal of a wonderful beach body. After testing a few of them, here are the top 10 that I think a fit person should have with them at pretty much all times.

  1. Charity Miles (iOS | Android) – This fitness app is wonderful for runners or even walkers or even bikers. This simple and free app has several sponsors who will display their logo or ad in the background as you go about your exercise and they will donate a few cents for every mile you walk. It’s simple, pushes you to do more and at the same time gives back to those less fortunate, a pretty amazing fitness app if you ask me. 
    Charity Miles

    Charity Miles not only is a good fitness self-help but a good way to do charity at the same time.

  2. Digifit iCardio (iOS | Android) – This is a free fitness app however it needs a compatible heart rate monitor which could be a challenge. But if you are seriously into tracking your exercise in a very hardcore way, this is the fitness app for you. Simply download and connect to the heart rate monitor and it will give you information about your exercise session.
  3. Endomondo (iOS | Android) – If you don’t have time for a trainer or much time to figure things out, this might be the fitness app you want in your smart phone. This app has a coaching feature that works with premium users but can really help you reach your goals if you listen to it, might be worth a visit if you have no other source of information or need help planning your routine.
  4. Fitbit (iOS | Android) – By now you must have heard of this fitness app, and yes it does come with a special apparatus but the fitness app can work without it too. Of course if you actually have the Fitbit monitor it will help you track your information in a more solid and concrete fashion. Works best when it can count your calories, blood pressure and so on.
  5. Fitstar (iOS | Android) – Having a hard time figuring out a home routine that you need and should do? Well this fitness app can help you out, simply log in and download for free, it has a basic workout routine that doesn’t need any equipment and you can do it at the comfort of your own home. The premium account however has the ability to provide a “get strong” workout if you purchase it. 

    Fitstar is great for those who prefer working out from home without much needed exercising equipment.

  6. Jefit Workout (iOS | Android) – For the gym buff in all of us. Not quite sure what exercises you need to do? Well look to this fitness app to help you figure things out. It can track your reps and sets, plus the weight you’ve done which will really help you out, a no frills type of app and the premium or pro version is quite helpful too.
  7. The Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout (iOS | Android) – As the name implies, this is the ideal fitness app for those who only have a few minutes to spare. Still available for free, this fitness app will give you one heck of a workout for a spare 7 minutes of your time. Perfect for the person who always has one foot out the door.
  8. Lose It! (iOS | Android) – Having trouble counting your calories and figuring out the workout routine needed to battle fat? Well here is the perfect fitness app for you. If you tend to consume more American brand items, this can really help you count the calories and trim that belly fat down. It helps and works with other fitness apps, counting calories and how much you consume or lose within a day.
  9. Rockmyrun (iOS | Android) – While this fitness app may not be free, if you really need a playlist for your run or workout, this should be the fitness app you get. It can figure out your tempo and create a playlist based off that, isn’t that just perfect for when you need to get into the groove of things? 

    Rockmyrun app is a pretty cool one for those who especially love music.

  10. Vida Health Coach (iOS) – This one is a little expensive at $15 a week, but it gives you access to a real live health coach who will work with you no matter what, so in the end it isn’t really at all that pricey considering the prices of health coaches nowadays. The coaches available have a range of specialties and you can pick the one that works for you and run with it.

There are a lot more apps out there that will work for whatever you are into. Take the time to try a fitness app or two and you’ll really see some lasting results. Stay healthy!