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Veganism And The Environment, The Things That You Should Know About

Veganism And The Environment, The Things That You Should Know About

Choosing the vegan lifestyle can stem from a number of reasons, I know for me this was the case. It could be because you want to be healthier, it could be a political stance and it could be just because you want to cleanse your life. There are a ton of reasons why a lot of people choose the vegan lifestyle and quite frankly I think they are all valid. The question however remains: does choosing the vegan lifestyle have an environmental effect? And quite honestly I will answer it with a simple word – yes. Please join me in this article to read out how I think there are quite a bit of positive outcomes from choosing the vegan lifestyle, it may just get you to join us and make a difference in your environment.

The first and most obvious environmental effect is how becoming a vegan will stop animals from getting hurt. The cruelty-free lifestyle of becoming a vegan really affects animals especially those bred for food. This also extends to products that are tested on animals or have products that need to be harvested via animals. The vegan lifestyle is really based on the cruelty-free idea that animals should not be bred for food or products, that we can live harmoniously with them and watch the world continue to grow.

veganism for animals

Aside from the great benefits a vegan lifestyle gives to our health, I strongly believe in equal compassion for all animals too.

Let’s not discount the fact that a number of factories have some very inhumane ways of killing animals. The sheer exploitation of a number of animals still sits poorly with me, and also remains as a primary concern for a lot of the people who choose the vegan lifestyle. A lot of vegan lifestyle people really want a cruelty-free world and would love to have more people on our side.

Next up is the effect of carbon emissions. To process meat, it takes factories quite a bit of effort and the carbon emissions really does a number on the environment. With that being said, choosing the vegan lifestyle will have a reduced environmental effect of 1.5 tons of carbon emission a year. Can you imagine how much of a collective effect we will have on the environment if all of America goes vegan? Wow, just wow!

Another positive effect is that choosing the vegan lifestyle will free up a lot of space and resources. Did you know that caring for livestock uses up about 30% of the entire planet’s land mass? Yes, I was surprised as well when I first heard about it. Additionally that 70% of grain grown in the US goes to feeding livestock to make sure they are ready to be made into edible meats. These numbers really make you see how the vegan lifestyle will have a positive environmental effect in the long run and how much of our resources and lands will become available for other endeavors given the change to a cruelty-free lifestyle.

Additionally did you know that to process a pound of soy, a vegan lifestyle staple, it uses so much less resources than to process a pound of meat? To process a pound of meat, it takes up 12 times as much land, 13 times as much fossil fuel and 15 times as much water as it would to process a pound of soy. I’m pretty sure you can see how much of an environmental effect choosing to switch to the cruelty-free diet would have on our planet.

Now let’s get to the obvious health effects when getting into the vegan lifestyle, as I know this is a primary concern for a lot of people as well. This cruelty-free lifestyle not only feels as though it wipes away your karmic slate, at the very least that’s how it feels for me, it really cleanses the body. Did you know that those who are on the vegan lifestyle diet, have 7 times less greenhouse emissions than those who are consistently eating meat? I think the environmental effect is quite apparent there but the obvious ramifications on one’s health also can be seen with the er… bodily emissions, shall we say, that are produced when eating meat.

To keep things going, choosing the cruelty-free lifestyle is also great for your skin and a lot of the vegan lifestyle people I know have never looked younger. I’m not saying that it is the secret to eternal youth, but I’d be lying to you if I didn’t say I know of some people who look to be 40 – 50 years old but in reality are over 70 already. So if you want to have a positive environmental effect and have youthful, glowing skin, the vegan lifestyle is the path you want to move towards.

Let’s not forget that since you will be focused on a ton of vegetables and fruits, your body will be able to get proper nutrients and vitamins that will just skyrocket your health. A number of these types of food will fight off a ton of diseases while strengthening your immunity and making you healthier the longer it goes. The vegan lifestyle promotes a healthier you in the long run while leaving a lasting environmental effect that will further the life of the planet.

food processing

Imagine what horrible process that meat had gone through before it gets served on your dinner table.

Now to hit a topic of sustainability, the vegan lifestyle is something that really wants to address this issue. Considering the numbers that I mentioned above, we are quickly burning through our resources faster than we should, this won’t work out very well for everyone in the long run. Choosing the cruelty-free lifestyle will not only get a person to healthier overall state, but it will also make sure that the food that we consume on a daily basis will not deplete our very limited food resources. By simply switching to the plant-based diet, you can already make sure that the consumption of natural resources will be reduced by two thirds of what is needed.

The lasting environmental effect of choosing the vegan lifestyle can be felt throughout the world and this is by simply taking a lifestyle that is cruelty-free. I understand that perhaps the vegan lifestyle may be a little too extreme for some and I cannot blame them, it is quite an endeavor to get into, plus it can be difficult for some while much easier for others. I fully respect that not everyone is ready to choose the vegan lifestyle however it would be great if there are a few days that everyone chooses to cut back on meat, even by doing something that simple you can really cut back on negative effects on the planet. Just by cutting back on eating chicken one meal per week, you can have the same positive effects of removing about 500,000 cars from the road, can you imagine the power of just one of your decisions? Together we can really make a difference in the world.