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5 Keys To Kill Your Cellulite

5 Keys to kill your cellulite

Cellulite, just saying the word gives me shivers and as well as it should, after all cellulite is the persistent subcutaneous fat causing dimples in the skin, sadly this is something often found in women’s thighs. On that point we should make getting rid of cellulite one of the must dos for your daily fitness routines. And I am here to share ways to kill your cellulite, 5 ways in fact and hopefully we can find a way to get rid of that fat together.

Exercise – Although this should be at the top of your list, I don’t think we should discount mentioning it in your fight to kill your cellulite. As you all know I’m a vehement and powerful advocate of exercise, it solves a lot of problems and keeps our tickers going, it burns the food we eat and keeps us looking great, what’s not to love? Of course since it burns food, it burns fat and what is it you need to kill your cellulite? Oh yeah, burn fat! This is the must do and non-negotiable tip that is needed to get that super beach body you are after. Additionally there are a ton of exercises that target cellulite particularly so make sure to include them in your fitness routines. And if you want to, you can cut down on a little thigh fat too. Nothing wrong with wanting to get a bit more fat off your body since you are already in the process of wanting to kill your cellulite.

stairs to kill cellulite

Take the stairs whenever you have the chance to. Your body will thank you for it!

Drink enough water – If I could sing more praises about drinking water, I would and lo and behold: it helps you kill your cellulite. Drinking water keeps the skin healthy and helps get rid of toxins in your body. Cellulite has the exact opposite effect on your beach body; it stores toxins and shows off unhealthy skin. Needless to say getting your daily dose of H20 pretty much helps you battle the fatty cellulite cells and helps you process the toxins in the body, leaving it unarmed in your battle to kill your cellulite. Don’t like plain water? As strange as that sounds, fine then, go for vitamin-enriched water such as lemon water or other viands that might be of interest, not only does it increase the vitamin intake for various fitness routines; drinking flavored water also tastes pretty great.

Stair queen – In your journey to kill your cellulite, the stairs are the armed forces that are ready to support you at any time. While exercise is great and should be done on a regular basis in order to get that beach body you are targeting, the stairs are a great supplement and support that are just waiting to be used. By simply going up several fights of stairs you tend to use up a lot of your lower body muscles from various angles, which will eventually increase muscle tissue leaving less space for cellulite to store it’s nasty toxins on your body. Whenever you are in the office and you have the option to take the stairs, do so; it will only augment your regular fitness routines plus keeping you on top of the battle to kill your cellulite. I don’t know how much more information or hints you need but take the stairs, it will be great for you in the long run.

Balance the diet – Eating processed food is already a bad thing for you, if you’ve read my other blog posts you know what I am talking about but even if you haven’t you know deep down inside that the fast food burger joint you usually go to can’t be good for you. And alas my dear friends, you are correct, processed foods not only deprive you of vitamins that you sorely need in order to function properly but it introduces so much unwanted fats into your system. Now what you need are stuff that is good for you, things with protein so you can build you muscles properly and achieve beach body targets as much as possible. Additionally if you aren’t on the vegan diet, I would suggest getting as much oily fish as possible as the omega-3 fatty acids can really do wonders for you plus the other vitamins are essential to tone your body during your fitness routines. There are so many better things that you can eat in order to improve your health plus they are quite delicious, and they fight along with you to kill your cellulite. Take the time to plan out your meals and come up with healthier alternatives in order to fully take charge of your fight to kill your cellulite.

products to kill cellulite

While fitness routines would be a ton of help to get rid of cellulite, products (search for organic ones!) that are great fixer-uppers are also recommended to improve your skin.

Go for the extra help – When all is said and done, there is no shame in getting skin care products to help you kill your cellulite as time passes forward. There are skin brushes or massagers with the specific job of targeting trouble spots that cellulite usually finds, take the time on your daily routine to massage the trouble areas and get a foot up on your battle to kill your cellulite. Additionally there are a ton of exfoliators available to the general masses to further assist you to get that beach body that you have been dreaming of, besides when you are on the beach the last thing you really want to worry about is cellulite so make sure to grab an exfoliator that you think works best for you. Of course there are skin serums that help firm up your skin that are also great and available in the market, why not take the time to go to the store and see what works well. Make sure to keep it all in check however as most of these are supporting items to help you get along, but you can’t depend on them solely as nothing can substitute regular fitness routines and proper diet, augmented with the other tips you have on this list. So even though there are supporting products that will help you kill your cellulite, make sure to still do you part in the battle otherwise it is a lost cause.

Cellulite is a difficult challenge for everyone but as you can see there are ways to battle it and give you the edge to kill your it. Take the necessary changes to your regular fitness routines plus add a good and steady diet that will balance out well with your workout plans and you can pretty much say goodbye to the cellulite in your body and say hello to that beach body you’ve been wanting. The only way cellulite will find its way into your body and stay there is if you refuse to do anything and allow it to, so take charge and kick it out today! Stay healthy!